Are You Ready for This Idea?

“Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”

Jay Greathouse


Image by the author. More on Instagram.

Victor Hugo said that.

“Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” — Victor Hugo

Can you believe that DAO Data Union-Run Post-Scarcity Virtual World Domains in the Metaverse is an idea whose time has come?

This is about saving the future and changing the future’s direction from destructive to exemplary. If we are to even have a future we must take a divergent path now.

1.) Is the idea solving a genuine problem? Is this a problem people have in the real world?

Most (if not all) current virtual worlds in the Metaverse programmatically create scarcity. Decentraland, Cryptovoxels, Sandbox, and now Otherside all have structured their virtual worlds to enable rent-seeking and the free-rider problem. These virtual worlds primarily benefit the already wealthy, the only ones who can surmount the financial barriers created by programmatic scarcity.

Yet these virtual worlds rely upon those who can not afford the programmatically scarce land to populate and participate in the virtual worlds to make it a success.

The community itself is the resource and its exploitation by the wealthy is a basic resource distribution problem.

This is the problem people have in the real world. We can do better in virtual worlds in the Metaverse.

2.) Does the solution for the problem have significant demand? Is this an important problem that people are willing to pay to solve?

It is clear that many people seek hope for a different existence in virtual worlds. That is, in fact, exactly who signs up.

The wealthy only participate when they see opportunities for rent-seeking and becoming part of the free-rider problem. They only make up a small minority of the actual participants.

An egalitarian and truly democratic virtual world is not only possible but avidly sought after by those seeking escape from the dysfunctions of the real world.

3.) Can you access the demand in a cost-effective way? Does the team have the necessary skills to build and sell the product? Can the team find people with this problem and persuade them that they have the right solution?

All the technology and expertise required already exist in the real world. This has been the thrust of online communities since the days of dial-up modems and bulletin boards.

The wealthy have expended fortunes to focus technology and talent to serve only the interests of the wealthy.

One only has to have faith that lots of good people seek ends that benefit communities instead of exploiting them.

I’m actively seeking such a team. It’s possible that such a team will coalesce without me.

I’m OK with that because I believe that the time for this idea has come.

It only requires a change of focus from pandering to the wealthy by enabling their dysfunctions in the Metaverse to actually giving the people who really participate in virtual worlds what they want.

4.) Is this the right time for the idea? Have they experimented with a business model?

The open-source community is well developed. The widespread adoption of desktop computing and smartphones enabled many to participate. This is clearly the right time to permit their inclusion in virtual worlds in the Metaverse as something more than a community to be exploited.

This model is so successful that the wealthy through BAU actively seek and destroy such initiatives in the real world. The real world now tends toward fascism and the manipulation of sub-groups against each other in order for the wealthy to maintain their grip upon the communities they exploit for their profit.

DAO Data Union-Run Post-Scarcity Virtual World Domains in the Metaverse is the idea behind every revolution in the real world.

5.) What are the consequences of executing the idea?

The consequences would be the end of virtual worlds that exist solely for enabling the wealthy to exploit the communities. People would refuse to join them and would readily leave them if offered an egalitarian and truly democratic alternative.

It would be the end of the rentier class and those personifying the free-rider problem in virtual worlds in the Metaverse.

DAO Data Union-run post-scarcity virtual worlds would be an implementation of direct democracy.

Perhaps the execution of this idea might even provide a model for what can be done in the real world.

In this case, the entitled elite would be endangered. We can only imagine what the world would be like without the rentier class and the free-rider problem.

I’d hate to think that would be too much to hope for.

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